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"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts" 1 Peter 1:15a


There is a blessedness in having God as our only Lord God.It is the reason why we are different from the world. Now, just how different are we from the world today? You say you believe in Jesus Christ but whom do you actually worship as of this moment? It is horribly sad that many professing Christians have truly in practice sanctified themselves and their base and selfish lusts in their hearts as god instead. Whether you are a backslidden a little, a lot or not by your own estimation, please allow the Spirit of God to help you search your own heart now as you read the following. Pride, Perversity and the pursuit of Perishables will be pitted against Life, Love and the pursuit of Godliness.


Whom do you worship today, dear friend?"Could it be the god of education?" Never ceasing to gain self-glory and praise from man by an unceasing pursuit of degrees and certificates. Education is good, for the mind is given by God to be used in order to grow in knowledge that is beneficial to one self and others. However, do you get your self-worth and self-esteem from your educational background? Do you feel proud and better than others because of your title in your job, because you are, "more advanced" in your field of study than others? If at this moment you should lose your job and/or prestigious title, would you still be content and that too possess, a "godliness with contentment which is great gain" 1 Timothy 6:6


Please don't throw away eternal life because of a few trifling tokens of achievements in this life and praise from ungodly men in this perishing world. Worship God and set Him apart as the only Lord God in your heart and not education.


Or could it be that you are a worshipper of the god of money and material comforts and various purchases from the "world's marketplace"? You say that Jesus is Lord, even your own Lord, but in all honesty in your heart and mind you actually love your savings and nice house and cars more than you love the Lord. 1 Timothy 6:10 You are consumed with a passion to gain more money so that you can enjoy the vanities of this world. You do not work hard to get money to provide wisely and modestly for your family and give to others in need but you seek to gain more to consume upon your own lusts.


Please don't throw away eternal life because of a few trifling trinkets of perishing items in this corruptible world. Worship God and set Him apart as the only Lord God in your heart and not money.


Are you one that worships your own body or another decaying mortal's body? Whether it is worshipping the vocal chords, the skilled hands that play an instrument or stretching the limits of the human body for an asthetically, pleasing performance, when talents are employed in Satan's service, it is a sure and fast track to hell. It may be through film, dance and or music which you know very well is nothing but sensual and immoral but in the name of the Arts you continue to seek fulfillment in these things. Or you may be athletically and nutritionally religious. "Sculpting the physique", is a modeling/bodybuilding phrase whereby one seeks to achieve "perfect beauty and symmetry" in their physical appearance by modifying it through intense physical and even meditational effort. 1 Timothy 4:8 Through facials and feel good selfish psychology, free-chain amino acids and fat-burning workouts, one can make an idol of oneself. This god has an increasing number of worshippers throughout the world as well. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life is probably no more lucidly displayed than in this particular department. 1 John 2:15-17 The heights of athletic performance, physical beauty and culture allure literally billions to give their souls to glorifying the human body. Perverse, pornographic desires are also very easily fulfilled in varying degrees when one begins to worship the creature more than the Creator." Romans 1:25" Yet, the Lord instructs us to focus on the beauty that never fades away which one can possess when one is obedient to His commandments. Proverbs 31:10-31 1 Timothy 2:10 1 Peter 3:1-6 Isaiah 52:7 Romans 10:15


Please don't throw away eternal life because of a few moments of sensual pleasure and gratification, worshipping the arts, athletics or pornography in this decaying world. Worship God and set Him apart as the only Lord God in your heart and not the human body.


The context from which the verse at the top of this article is taken is actually a section in 1 Peter 3:13-22 on suffering faithfully for the Lord Jesus while doing good in this life/world. However, how can one who claims Jesus to be his/her Lord be even willing to suffer, let alone have the grace/power to suffer for the Lord, if he/she has not truly set Him apart, or exclusively and truly as the Lord God of his/her life? Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts ..


How can one hope to know the power, purity and glory of God in the life that now is and in the one to come if one is shamefully making excuses for indulging in selfish, carnal appetites? Separation from the world system with all of its ideologies, philosophies and lusts and self-control over one's own mind and body for the Glory of God is indispensable for the true believer." In other words, one cannot be a true believer or follower of Jesus Christ in this life and subsequently be received by Him and the holy angels in order to dwell with Him in Heaven for Eternity, if one has not forsaken all for Jesus." Mark 8:34-38


The reason why many professing Christians today are not able to digest the privilege and glory involved in suffering for the Lord as a true believer loyal to God in this anti-christian world is because they are still committed, just like Lot's wife to self and this world system. The Lord is not sanctified in the heart as Lord God. Rather, if one is honest he/she will discover that personal preference and worldly lust is given first place. Remember Lot's wife, the Lord warned." Luke 17:32"


The Good News is that if we truly believe that the Son of God suffered very horribly on Golgotha because of our sins and gave His life to save us from selfish living, then the attitude of our minds will exhibit a godly hostility to the lusts of this world and we will actively fight and overcome the world in victory by our genuine faith in the Son of God.


When the world and its lusts are honestly and truly renounced for Jesus sake, then and only then will the Holy Spirit lead us in spiritual victory and bless us with a longing desire for the Bridegroom, our Lord Jesus return so that we can ever be the Lord.


Heavenly Father, this day I renounce all my worldly and sinful desires for Your Sake, Who did give Your All for me. I thank you sincerely for giving me Eternal Life through Jesus death for my sins. All the wonderful blessings I possess are from Your Gracious Hand. I sanctify You now in my heart as the Lord God. I thank You for raising Jesus from the dead, so that I can live as a brand new person on the inside for Jesus Alone. I dedicate my life for a life of service for your kingdom. Please give me the power and support I need from the Holy Spirit as I read the Bible and seek to obey you in everything You command. In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.

© 2010 Pastor Pradeep Emmanuel Stephen

[Permission is granted to duplicate this article in its entirety, but only without additions, alterations or omissions of any kind, including the author and ministry name at the end.]