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The Christian Cop

 Cops:  They are the custodians of public safety.  At least that’s the way society looks upon them for the most part.  That’s what the local government entrusts them with.  Police officers are supposed to be alert to any potential disturbance of the peace, remain calm under great pressure, and use professionalism and courage in responding to conflict and crime.

 What a great pressure that itself could be sometimes!  Peer pressure doesn’t help any either.


For those who would deny the temptations particular to our profession, there is only one logical conclusion: they are either not trying to live up to their duties or they are simply living in a fantasy land, where there are no moral absolutes. 

(But is there an answer?)

One might say, that there are no morals anymore.  Evil and wrong seem to be the dominant force in today’s world.  So, just concede to the notion that, "anything goes!" Well, that again is a, “copout” from their moral responsibility as human beings first to help and not hurt their neighbors.  Even more so, especially, as enforcers of “law and order.” 

(But what’s the solution?) Not what, but WHO? 

There is a definite need for empowerment and protection from a Higher Source:

Jesus Christ, God Almighty.

Well then, what about the cop who knows that there is a God.  The Christian cop, who knows that the Lord Jesus Christ died at Calvary to redeem fallen people like ourselves from a life of misery and from going to eternal damnation? 

What impact does Jesus have on my professional career?  What do you do when you are around, “the boys” and “girls" in uniform?

Do you get numb after a while from seeing the murders and suicides?  Can I use that as an excuse for behaving like the wicked world?  Like unsaved fellow officers? 

The Christian is still in a fight, that’s for sure.  He has to keep his guard up or he will fall.  But the Lord says, we have to live holy and act godly in spite of an ungodly atmosphere.  That’s His demand upon our lives and our great privilege.  To truly follow Him, by keeping those commandments we know we should keep.  He gives us great encouragement and power for living the, “straight and narrow” kind of life in face of the "broad way" of hypocrisy and drunkenness that characterize those who are in darkness and are trusting in themselves.  The Bible calls them fools, as you know (Psalm 14). Why? Because they cannot keep themselves alive even for a millisecond, much less save themselves from God’s wrath and Hell and yet they have a macho mindset that they’ll beat the odds somehow and make it ok in spite of living without honoring God.  In spite of, rejecting the Almighty God of the Universe. 

A police officer faces lies and shameful stories and ungodly speech and arrogance not only on the streets everyday, but also on the “inside” among the ranks as well.  Lots and lots of hypocrisy and backstabbing and stepping on shoes to get ahead. Just like in the corporate world.  Only here, it’s from the very people who are supposed to uphold the moral law for all. Some of them are doing the very things (and sometimes worse things) that they lock others up for. 

What is the Christian Cop to do under such assault from the Devil and those who follow him? 

How can this cop, who claims to have met the Living Lord, cope?  Not just cope, but actually be victorious over evil? That is, not just survive, but also truly thrive instead amidst the chaos?

Well, he has got to depend upon and seek the Lord.  And that means to have a habit of praying always. 

He or she needs to:

Pray that God would give him/her the grace to go through the day without presumptuous sin especially. 

Pray that God would give him/her the grace to go through the day without presumptuous sin especially. What’s presumptuous sin?  It is willful sin. 

May God have mercy upon us.  Every thing you do for Him, including policing the neighborhood or the government buildings and territories, the hospitals, the violent school districts, the Metro system etc., will be rewarded one Day.  Do we realize that? 

It’s not just to make that salary or to get recognition.  Sure, we can have days where we get an extra serving of Satanic opposition, but it’s all in the knowledge of our Father in Heaven Who gives us the opportunity to be victorious in spite of that.   

The tough cop, hero image, the TV and movies’ product are all aimed at boosting that ego or the self.  A true hero sacrifices yes, but for the right reasons. You see, the Christian Cop wants to truly give Jesus the Glory for any acts of heroism that he is able to accomplish.  Not just merely say, “I was just doing my job.” or "I guess all that training finally kicked in at the right time, just when I needed it!" as we hear so many times. 

If we focus on Christ and His Honor in all that we speak and think and do, then we will truly be lights in that dark district. Even in that dark precinct, for that matter.   

Isn’t it ironic that the very place that is supposed to deter and punish crime so often can actually become a safe haven for, “uniformed criminals” within? 

How can you be that light, dear Christian Police Officer?


The Bible says that law enforcement personnel should not oppress civilians and take advantage of them.  This includes not only false arrests, but also slander and mockery of the ordinary citizens and foreigners too.  Those who don’t really have a voice; those who can’t retaliate when a cop treats them unjustly.

Luke 3:14, “And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.”

At the same time, we must not wink at sin either. That is, we must not pretend that there is no evil going on and choose to look the other way, when it is in fact occuring.  Rather, we must be bold and call sin, sin! Whether it concerns civilians or co-workers (superiors included). 

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20   

Conversation, Conduct and Company.

 Watch your speech; the words you use should not displease the Lord but be fitting for a Christian. Even under pressure. For you are a born-again soldier in God’s army first and foremost before you are anything else.

Watch your conduct. Restrain yourself from foolish outburst of anger and arrogance. Be noble. Know that God’s eyes are on you all the while you are on your beat (as well as off duty, of course). Be humble. Meekness is not weakness in the eyes of the Lord but rather praiseworthy before His Presence. You are to conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of His Great Name and not to please others who are lost in the filth and folly of this world.

 Watch the company you keep. If there are lewd jokes, if there is deceit and fraud occurring to your knowledge among your co-workers, then separate yourself from them. The Bible says that we should not be deceived; evil company corrupts good morals. If you are forced to work with the one(s) who are immoral in their behavior and unethical in the way they work, then you must not participate in the same. As the Holy Spirit leads you must have the courage and concern to object to that unrighteousness. Pray in faith and ask the Lord to lead you to fellowship with other believers who are serious about following the Lord all the way.


A Christian who is not undergoing persecution in some form from their environment for being godly, are probably giving lip service to God and their so-called Christianity is questionable. If there is no repentance, then the Lord will say, “I never knew you” on that Great and Terrible Day of Judgment.


Following Sept. 11th, police officers especially here in New York City were suddenly elevated to hero status just by virtue of wearing the uniform it seems.  But, God is the True Hero. We are all zero. Even if one has those coveted stripes or medals or other insignia or the best firearms and latest tactical training and the greatest mental/physical ability, one is still zero, apart from God.  Without saving faith in Jesus, we would all be going straight to Hell.


 Christian Cop, are you a living testimony that your fellow officers can see? A testimony of righteousness and holy sobriety? A testimony of kindness and humility?


You may be thinking, well that’s a pretty tall order!  Well, God has given us the Holy Spirit to make that godly statement a reality in our lives!  So we have to, “grow up and fit into our heavenly clothes” - our, “uniform” of righteousness as it were!


Are you a witness of the Lord?  Do you look for and avail yourself of the opportunities to, “rescue” souls from falling under God’s final wrath against evil and evil doers and to help those willing to listen from going to Hell?


Pray before you start on your way to work. Pray during roll call. Pray during your tour. Pray during meals. Pray at sign off time. Thank God on the way home. Pray all the time for grace and wisdom and thank God for everything as the Scriptures say and you can’t go wrong. God never let anyone down who asked Him in faith.



If you live holy, you’ll be that light in the darkness indeed and even the people you arrest will know the difference between a Christian Cop and the rest. For the Glory of God, be Blessed today as you Obey Him!


One more thing, please do remember…


In God’s sight right now and on Judgment Day, CPR (courtesy, professionalism and respect won’t keep you safe from destruction and certainly won’t get you that promotion into Heaven (cause even evil men and women can muster up some manners and pride), but only being washed in the HOLY BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST and obeying the three C’s (CCC holy conversation, conduct and company) will.

(Please go back up a little bit and re-read the definitions for those three C’s if you will and live out a life of Power and Love for Jesus, especially on the job! May God Bless you dear reader.)

© 2002 Pastor Pradeep Emmanuel Stephen

[Permission is granted to duplicate this article in its entirety, but only without additions, alterations or omissions of any kind, including the author and ministry name at the end.]